2 Hearts 1 Vessel was birthed in 2014 by husband and wife team Richard and Shameika. The name was created by the duo with what originally started as a hashtag for pictures posted during their courtship leading up to their wedding. They soon realized this new "identity" was confirmation and lined directly with the word of God found in:

Genesis 2:24 For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.

Richard and Shameika wanted to take their hashtag from digital to wearable statements. This is their leap... 

"We want our pieces to be conversation starters and invoke a bold generation to stand out & be proud to represent God. We want our brand to transcend ages and races for those to stand true in who they are and who's they are. What started out as something to identify the two of us I pray will represent generations to come globally". -Shameika

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Rich & Shameika 

2 Hearts 1 Vessel